Herb Fry, III,
Owner/Founder’s Message
“At Main Line Waterproofing our entire business is based on honesty and trust. So what does this mean for our customers?”
“First you’ll never have to deal with high pressure sales people because our reputation and our work sell themselves. Our sales people are there to guide you on the best way to deal with your waterproofing problems within your budget. We won’t try to sell you a bunch of services you don’t need or charge you exorbitant prices for any reason. We break down the estimate so you know exactly what you’re paying for.”
“Honesty in a key part of our work. This starts with having great employees that go above and beyond to always behave like well mannered guests in your home. I can’t tell you how many compliments we get on our workers’ knowledge and professionalism.”
“We don’t just want to do work at your house, but every house in your neighborhood. That’s why we make it a point to over deliver when it comes to making customers happy. We know that the better we treat you, the better you’ll treat us by telling your friends and neighbors who to call if they have a waterproofing project.”
“All of us at Main Line Waterproofing from myself, to our secretaries and sales people, to servicemen and installers, have a primary goal of making your experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible.”
Herb Fry, III, Owner/Founder
Basement Waterproofing You Can Trust
Use these links to learn more about Main Line Waterproofing and basement waterproofing in general:
To discuss your problem with us NOW, please call 610-642-4444 or request a FREE INSPECTION.